Flu Clinics
This is offered to all patients over 65 years and those at risk, i.e those with asthma, diabetes and kidney or heart disease.
If you are uncertain as to whether you fall in a risk category, please ask your doctor.
Enhanced Services
We are currently providing:
- – Anticogulation Clinics
- – Minor Injury Services
- – Near Patient Testing services
- – IUD Fitting
- – Childhood Immunisations
- – Vaccination programmes – MMR and MPV
Bone and Joint Conditions
Asthma, COPD and Diabetes Clinic
The nurses run clinics for patients with Asthma, COPD or Diabetes
who are seen yearly or more often if deemed necessary.
Similarly they regularly see patients with diabetes whose care may
be shared with one of the local hospital diabetic clinics.
Minor Surgery
A variety or minor operations are carried out at the Barton Surgery.
If the doctor feels that your operation is suitable to be dealt with by the practice, they will tell you how to arrange an appointment.87